How Gen Zs sustainability concerns are influencing others World Economic Forum

News organizations should do more to involve and engage younger audiences in news processes, especially on interactive platforms like social media sites, news websites, and digital aggregators. Building loyalty with this cohort now is likely to have a positive impact in the future. But boomers, Gen X-ers and older millennials can still remember living a goodly portion of their lives without them and the conveniences that they represent. Gen Z, on the other hand, will have had their phones for most of their lives, and certainly most of their adult lives. For them, turning to their smartphones for answers is as instinctive as scratching an itch.

facts about gen Z

These tangible pieces of their past help them to feel grounded in a fast-paced, hyper-connected life. As with most things in life, we found the reality isn’t as simple as the headlines suggest. Yes, we found things to back up some of the previous perceptions of the demographic, and, at the same time, we found things that challenged the preconceptions. Whether you choose to use Outward Bound to develop your young talent or not, just remember the next generation is here. Gen Z mark a divergence from their predecessors, and they’ll need to be nurtured if you want to get the most out of them and retain them for years to come. The average cost of recruiting has increased and ‘time to hire’ has more than doubled over the last five years.

Next Day Delivery

Is your organisation making an effort to be more eco-conscious? Or are you engaging with local causes, issues, and charities? If not, your organisation may not feature brightly on a Gen Z’s career radar.

facts about gen Z

49% of them starting their careers believe they can reach the very top levels with their current employer. Millennials don’t want to buy stuff, but experiences trump possessions. Millennials prefer to spend on experiences – food/drinks, eating out, concerts and wellness. Trying to get by by spending as little as possible, has become the norm for many young people. Roughly 1/3 of U.S. workers aged 18 to 36 say they feel comfortable discussing pay with their co-workers, which is about four times more than Baby Boomers, .

Millennials are adventurous

Grandparents are seen as intriguing and almost vintage, and their scarcity is increasing. Those grandparents are similar, and yet so different, having grown up in different times, so they may have the intrigue of a cross-cultural relationship. Boomers and Builders should play the role of mentor, reminding Gen Z of the timeless virtues and skills they will need, even in the 21st century. Generation Z—as with any generation—is living in a new “narrative.” In today’s world, kids are growing up in a time that is both exhilarating and frightening for them.

  • This fluidity doesn’t just apply to sexual orientation or gender, but also to their wider interests.
  • It’s a brand with personality and a sense of fun, which nevertheless shows real substance with its ongoing commitment to ever changing times – the launch of its Vegan Steak Bake this Veganuary the most recent example.
  • Just over 22% stated they would take their next holiday in Asia, 20% said they’d travel to Central or South America and 14% will be going to Australasia.
  • Gen Z’s totally get the world of celebrity and influencers, so if you’re using them to represent your brand they need to be authentic.
  • Gen Zs are digital natives; a generation more racially and ethnically diverse than Millennials, and highly aware of the importance of advocating diversity and inclusion throughout society.
  • Nearly 61% of Gen Z argues opportunities for career growth was the most important factor when considering a job offer.

Gen Zs’ engagement with news aligns with research showing young people are concerned about a range of pressing societal issues, including climate change, unemployment, and health care. Additionally, the terms “news” and “current events” may be more broadly defined for these digital natives who have no memory of a world without smartphones or the internet. News content for this cohort could encompass entertainment, sports, or social justice news and reach beyond “traditional” news sources to include formats like smartphone notifications.

Holiday & Travel Brand Index 2019 Q2

Brooke Auxier is a research manager with Deloitte’s Center for Technology, Media, and Telecommunications. Her research focuses on media, entertainment, and consumer technology. She has a Ph.D. in journalism from the University of Maryland. United and divided – We’ve never been more open to discussions around diversity and inclusion. Division exists at a high level for Gen Z (race, equality, socio-economic) and so their response is to look for unity in smaller, easier to reach places. Finstas (unfiltered private Instagram accounts shared only with close friends/family), private Facebook groups, and “niche memes” are a manifestation of Gen Z’s digital world.

facts about gen Z

And the key for brands is now to optimise for discovery,” said Chatoo. Interestingly, the number one influencer for this audience is Grace Beverley, and is very telling as to what and who inspires this audience. An Oxford University graduate, Beverley became a household name among young British women under the gen z meaning moniker GraceFit – sharing content that was mostly lifestyle-y but with a regular focus on fitness. And she is now the owner, founder, and chief executive of three different, highly popular fitness businesses. ‘What’s really interesting about this audience is the key elements that have shaped their behaviour.

Millennials and Gen Z are the same generation

Depop, the clothes re-sale app is interesting as it’s both functional and useful whilst allowing you to be creative. During Covid, it’s been really good at offering wellness help spaces and tips, and it backs up the brand with a degree of substance. Alysha is a copywriter at UK POS, with experience working in B2B and B2C companies, as well as with charities.

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