Semantic Analysis Approach to Studying Design Problem Solving Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design

Thus, our effort to build a large and representative gold standard dataset consists of obtaining labeled data from trustful previous efforts that cover a wide range of sources and kinds of data. We also attempt to assess the ‘quality’ of our gold standard in terms of the accuracy of the labeling process. Several existing sentence-level[…]

What are the best textbooks and or research articles for a beginner in artifical intelligence, who plans to focus on AI applications in finance?

How AI can transform layering technique for semiconductors Content TechRepublic Academy: Data Science… Challenges Message Bots May Face Marketing Automation – What is it? Salesforce Flow includes a multitude of functionality that Workflow Rules and even Process Builder simply can’t do. Over the most recent release, Einstein Search has been extended (e.g. to Knowledge) and[…]